Bachelor of Arts University of Botswana (UB)
Post graduate in Education UB
M.Ed. in Curriculum and Evaluation University of Botswana
M.A Research Design, Measurement, and Statistics, University of Pittsburgh
Ed.D Policy Planning and Evaluation University Pittsburgh
Bagele Chilisa is a full Professor of the Post Graduate Research and Evaluation programme at the University of Botswana. Over the last 30 years she has taught Research design, Measurement and Evaluation courses to graduate and undergraduate students. She has supervised more than 50 Masters and PhD dissertations and has served as external examiner for PhD thesis in the SADEC region. She also conducts professional development workshops on indigenous research methodologies and contextually and culturally rellevant evaluation around the world. She has also served as guest lecturer, speaker, resource person and keynote speaker at several conferences in Universities in South Africa, USA, Norway, UK, Italy to mention a few. She is the Director of the HIV and Behavior Change Adolescent Program, member of the UNDP evaluation advisory board and the International Evaluation Council. She has over 80 publications and has received over 30 million pula in grants to conduct and design interventions to address gender inequalities and to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the quality of life of people in Botswana and beyond. Her book Indigenous Research Methodologies is used in many Universities across the globe. She is the recipient of the University of Botswana Research Team Leader of the year; University of Botswana Researcher of the Year award and the International HIV Researcher award
Her research interests include context and culturally responsive research and evaluation methodologies, indigenous knowledge systems and the design and evaluation of context and culturally responsive interventions in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Impact evaluation of projects across disciplines
Theory based evaluation of projects across disciplines
Classroom assessment strategies
Test Bias
Culturally responsive evaluation
Indigenous knowledge systems and research methodologies
Chilisa, B. ( 2020) Indigenous Research Methods. Thousand
Oaks, SAGE (USA).
Chilisa B. (2017) Decolonising Trans-disciplinary Research: An African Perspective for enhancing knowledge integration in Sustainability Science. Sustainability Science Journal.
Chilisa B., Major T., Khudu-Petersen K. (2017) Community Engagement with a post-colonial, African based relational paradigm. Qualitative Research, pp1-14.
Chilisa, B., Major, T.E., Gaotlhobogwe M., & Mokgolodi, H. (2016) Decolonizing and Indigenizing Evaluation Practice in Africa: Toward African Relational Evaluation Approaches The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. Vol. 30 (3) 312-328.
Chilisa B; Tsheko G N (2014) Mixed Methods in Indigenous Research: Building Relationships for Sustainable Intervention Outcomes. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Chilsom L. & Chilisa B. (2012) Contexts of educational policy change in Botswana and South Africa” in PROSPECTS 42 371-388.