Diploma in Population Studies

Entrance Requirements

The normal requirement for entrance into Diploma in Population Studies shall be:

a) A minimum of 3 credits (one of which is Mathematics) in the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) or its equivalent;
b) A GPA of at least 2.0 at the Certificate in Civil Registration and Population Dynamics of this University or its equivalent;

Duration of the Programme

The normal duration of the Diploma in Population Studies Programme shall be 4 to 6 semesters on a full-time basis.

MPhil/PhD in Population Studies

1.0 Aims and Objectives

The MPhil and PhD degrees are intended to provide advanced knowledge and understanding of the theories and procedures in the discipline of Population Studies including advanced training in critical appraisal, statistical analysis of demographic and socio-economic data, study design and protocol development.

Bachelor of Arts in Population Studies

Entrance Requirements

The normal requirement for entrance into the Bachelor’s Degree in Population Studies Programme shall be:

a) A minimum of 5 credits (one of which is Mathematics) in the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) or its equivalent;
b) A GPA of at least 2.0 in the Diploma in Population Studies of this University or its equivalent;

Other qualifications for entrance to the Bachelor’s Degree in Population Studies may be accepted on their own merit as alternatives as shown by the General Regulation 00.052.

Population Studies

Population Studies is the broader aspect of demography. It combines both formal and substantive demography. Formal demography is the study of human population in relation to changes in their sizes, structures and spatial distribution as a result of the interplay between three demographic processes, fertility mortality and migration. Substantive demography provides tools to examine the interactions of demographic, social, economic, and environmental, political and cultural processes on which the entire human population operates.

In pursuit of academic excellence