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Associate Professor
Professional Qualifications

BSc General Agriculture

MSc Natural Resource Management

PhD Agricultural Economics

Brief Biography

Gagoitseope Mmopelwa is an Associate Professor of Environment and Development at the Department of Environmental Science, the University of Botswana. His research interests include economic valuation and sustainable use of natural resources, rural livelihoods, and climate change and tourism economics. He teaches courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels including quantitative techniques in environmental science and economic aspects of resource utilization and management. He has published more than 30 refereed journal articles in local and international journals and 6 book chapters.  He has supervised over 33 undergraduate student projects and 10 post graduate researches including 3 PhDs.


Teaching Areas
Environmental Economics Quantitative Techniques in Environmental Science Globilization and socio economic issues
Research Areas

Economic valuation of resources

Sustainable natural resource use


Climate change

Tourism economics

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

 Economic valuation of resources and Cost benefit analysis

Agricultural indigenous knowledge systems

Natural resources (water, fish, woodlands etc) resource management

Economics of energy

Sustainable natural resource use

Selected Publications

List of Selected Publications (Journal articles)



Wubet, G.G and Mmopelwa, G. (2020). Performance of the small and micro enterprises in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, Momona Ethiopian Journal of  Science ( MEJ), 12(1): 103-122.


Nkuba, M.R., Chanda, R., Mmopelwa, G., Akintayo, A,. Mangheni, M.N., Lesolle, D and   Kato, E. (2020). "The influence of indigenous knowledge and scientific climate forecasts on arable farmers' climate adaptation methods in the Rwenzori region, Western Uganda.  Environmental Management, 65 (4):500-516. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-0-20-01264-x



Nkuba, M.R., Chanda, R., Mmopelwa, G., Akintayo, A,. Mangheni, M.N., Lesolle, D and Kato, E. (2020). Indigenous knowledge systems and indicators of rain: Evidence from Rwenzori region, Western Uganda.

In pursuit of academic excellence