
Dr. M. Kahaka
Professional Qualifications

PhD (TRS -Philosophy (Metaphysics)

MA in Theology and Religious studies (Philosophy (Metaphysics)

PGDE (Moral Education and History)

BA in History and TRS-(Philosophy, Theology and Religious studies)


Brief Biography

Makotoka Kahaka is a lecturer in the Department of Languages and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Education, University of Botswana. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Theology and Religious studies in the Faculty of Humanities, University of Botswana. His PhD work focused on African Personhood and identity within the general area of metaphysics in philosophy. Dr Kahaka teaches several courses on Moral Education and Pedagogy including: Theory of Moral Education; Approaches to teaching Moral Education; and Curriculum Design in Moral Education. His research interest is situated in the field of Metaphysics and Ethics, with a special focus on moral and metaphysical personhood, religion and Ethics.

Teaching Areas

Moral Education

Ethics (Moral philosophy)

Philosophy of Religion

Research Areas

Personhood and identity

Moral Education


Philosophy of Religion

Postgraduate Supervision Areas

Psychology in Religious Education

Selected Publications

Kahaka, M., and Ikpe, I. B., (2020) Disability and the Theorizing of Personhood. In James N. Amanze and Fidelis Nkomazana (eds), Disability is not Inability: A quest for inclusion and participation of people with disability in Society, Mzuni Press.

Kahaka, M., (2019) Personhood and the Cosmos: Exploring Some Similarities Between Traditional African and Western Conceptions of Personhood. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion; Vol 47 (2019) 32-37.

Kahaka, M., & Dinama B., (2018) A survey of folk intuitions about the Physical Criterion of Personal Identity among some philosophically laypeople. Cross-Currents (An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences); 4(5): 130-138. ISSN: 2394-459X.

Kahaka, M., Nhete, T., Dinama, B. (2017). The Teacher Trainees’ Viewpoints on Demonstration/Modelling as a Mentoring Tool. Journal of Education and Practice; Vol.8, No.25, 2017: 2222-1735.

In pursuit of academic excellence