PhD., Civil and Structural Engineering
National University of Malaysia / Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
MSc., Civil Engineering -Geotechnical Engineering
University of Central Tehran
BSc., Civil Engineering
Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT)
I ‘Ali Akbar Firoozi’ have a PhD in Civil and Structural Engineering from the University Kebangsaan (National) Malaysia (UKM) with a thesis titled ‘Evaluation of Improvement Potential of Nanomaterials for Stabilizing Clayey Soils’. My research involves an extensive study of potentially a new type of material (i.e. nanomaterials) to stabilise clay soils (kaolinite/illite) …. Feedstocks used in our research were nano-magnesium, nano-alumina, nano-copper, and nano-clay. Furthermore, a novel method was introduced to mix nanomaterials with soil mixtures. During my graduate training, I have been fortunate enough to become an expert on X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX).
In addition, I was a lecturer in several universities and during my academic research, I have published more than 70 papers and two books (Basic Soil Mechanic & Guideline for Seismic Microzonation and Dynamic Analysis of Site Effects on Amplification). My academic training and more than 18 years of experience working as a civil engineer groomed me to be an effective researcher and engineer. During my 18 years of work experience in Civil Engineering, I contributed to more than 100 projects as a project manager and designer.
- Soil Mechanics
- Geomechanics
- Geotechnics I & II
- Soil Testing Laboratory
- Slope Stability and Design of Earth & Rock
- Advanced Soil Mechanics
- Pavement & Roads Design
- Foundation on Problematic Soils
- Unsaturated Soils & Structured Soils
- Materials in Constructions
- Earthquake Engineering
- Material Resistance
- Statics
- Computer Skills for Civil Engineering
- Soil Improvement
- Unsaturated & Structured Soils
- Nano Materials & Nano Composites
- Microscopy Analysis (AFM, FESEM, SEM, TEM, XRF, XRD, FTIR)
- Microzonation & Site Effects
- Foundation for Special Purposes
- Numerical Analysis
- Earth Dams
- Slopes Stability
- Problematic Soils & Expansive Soils
- Tunnels and Bridge Area
- Piles, Micro Piles & Soil Nailing
- Cementation Materials
- Cement & Concrete
- Pipelines & Pump Stations
- Materials for Construction
- Improving the bearing capacity and reducing settlement of Kalahari sand by using different soil improvement techniques
- Evaluation of heat treatment to stabilization expansive clayey
- Stabilization of dust using liquid enzymes
- Using enzymatic emulsions to reinforce road layers (base and sub-base)
- Stabilization Kalahari sands by traditional and new additives to use in construction projects
- Evaluation of acidic and alkaline water on soil-lime & soil-cement treated soils
- A Review: Study of Integral Abutment Bridge with Consideration of Soil-Structure Interaction. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. (2020)
- Effect of nanocarbons on physical and mechanical properties of soils. In Carbon Nanomaterials for Agri-Food and Environmental Applications (pp. 459-485). Elsevier.
- Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Clay Micro Fabric Evaluation by Atomic Force Microscopy”. Elsevier Measurement. (2015)
- Performance of Loop Connection in Precast Concrete Walls Subjected to Lateral Loads”. International Journal of Civil Engineering. pp. 1-30. (2019)
- Fundamentals of Soil Stabilization”. International Journal of Geo-Engineering. (2017)
- California Bearing Ratio Tests of Enzyme-treated Sedimentary Residual Soil Show No Improvement”. Sains Malaysiana 46(8):1259-1267. (2017)
- Freeze–thaw performance of base course treated with carboxylated styrene butadiene Emulsion-Portland cement”. International Journal of Pavement Engineering (GPAV). pp. 1-9. (2016)