
Dr. Lisa Bazzett-Matabele
Head of Department
Professional Qualifications

BS Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.  USA

MD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. USA

OBGYN Residency, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. USA

GYN Oncology Fellowship, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. USA

Brief Biography

After completing her gynecologic oncology fellowship training, Dr. Bazzett-Matabele practiced and taught at Ochsner Medical Center, a multi-specialty center and private teaching hospital in New Orleans, USA, for 15 years. At that point she felt her skills and experience could be useful to accomplish her greater goal, of teaching and practicing in a limited resource setting. As a Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor of Yale University, through the Human Resources for Health Rwanda program, she was able to teach and care for gynecologic cancer patients in Kigali, Rwanda from 2015-2019. It was there, as the only gynecologic oncologist in Rwanda and surrounding DRC and Burundi, where she was exposed to the many challenges of women with cervical cancer when access to screening and treatment are extremely limited. She helped develop alternative treatment strategies, using available resources, to accomplish cure of disease to an increased number of women. Just as importantly, she worked with gynecology specialists in training to evaluate many of the barriers women face in seeking care for cervical cancer screening and treatment, helping them to work toward sustainable change in the health care system.  Then, in August 2019, she joined the University of Botswana as the Head of Department of OBGYN.  The OBGYN Department started a full, in-country OBGYN MMed residency training program in January 2020.  

Teaching Areas

Gynecologic Oncology

In pursuit of academic excellence