The Bachelor of Digital Media (BDM) programme will equip learners with skills and competences to respond to the new media principles that can be updated and re-defined. The key streams in BDM include digital video/film, computer animation and communication design. The programme will expose learners to fundamental skills in developing media artworks with emphasis on digital communication techniques, while also introducing aesthetic concepts such as narrative, interaction and simulation. The main targets will be successful BGCSE graduates who would be interested in developing skills, competences and knowledge in digital video/film, computer animation and communication design, in order to:
The normal minimum entrance requirements shall be the Botswana BGCSE or equivalent with a minimum grade of C or better in English Language.
Candidates who do not meet the normal minimum entrance requirements but have a credit in English Language and work experience of minimum two years in the media industry may be admitted into level 100.
Candidates who have the BGCSE or equivalent and the certificate in media related field from a recognized institution may be admitted directly to Level 100 of the programme.
Candidates with a diploma in a media related field or its equivalent may be admitted into either level 200 or 300 of the program on the basis of accumulated credits in the areas of digital media or multimedia.
Graduates of this programme can expect to fill skills gaps in multimedia industries such as app and mobile design, computer animation, visual effects, sound design, communication/graphics design, film producing and directing, video editing, cinematography and interactive media including web design and development, DVD authoring, and interactive CDROM.
To be awarded the “Bachelor of Digital Media” qualification, a learner must complete all the required cores, optional, GEC and electives, and language courses.
Assessment in the revised BDM programme includes both summative and formative.
Assessment in the theory-based courses includes 100% Continuous Assessment comprising of some of the following: short answer tests, essays, presentations, tutorials, computer-based tests).
Assessment in practical based courses include the following:
The BDM full-time programme extends over eight semesters. The programme comprises of the digital video/film, communication design and computer animation courses, and electives from other Departments. Other courses include basic language proficiency courses offered in the Departments of African Languages and Literature, Chinese Studies, English and French.
The total minimum credits required to complete the programme is 124 and all students enrolled in the programme are expected to complete all the required GEC (10 credits), Language (6 credits), Cores (78 credits), other optional courses (15 credits) and electives courses (15 credits).
At level 300, students are provided with an opportunity to do an attachment in UB during semester 6 (BMS341 - Media Practice 1), and then externally during semester 7 (BMS451 Media Practice 2).
Two final project/dissertation courses (BMS441 and BMS451) are offered in two semesters, the first being a proposal writing stage and the second a dissertation writing /project production stage.
BDM110 Basics of Digital Media (3) CORE
BDM111 Creative Industries & the Arts (3) CORE
COM111 Communication & Academic Literacy Skills 1 (3) CORE
ICT121 Computer Skills Fundamentals 1 (3) CORE
ENG121 Introduction to English Language, Description & Usage (3) CORE
ALC121 Introduction to the Study of Language & Linguistics (3) OPTIONAL
CHN105 Basic Practical Mandarin 1 (3) OPTIONAL
ENG113 Introduction to Literature and Prose (3) OPTIONAL
FRE217 French Language 1 (3) OPTIONAL
BDM112 Visual Literacy (3) CORE
BMS113 Theories of Mass Communication (3) CORE
COM112 Communication & Academic Literacy Skills 11 (3) CORE
ICT122 Computer Skills Fundamentals 2 (3) CORE
ENG131 Writing in English (3) CORE
ALC141 Introduction to Oral Literature & Indigenous Knowledge (3) OPTIONAL
CHN106 Basic Practical Mandarin 11 (3) OPTIONAL
ENG123 Introduction to Literature, Drama & Poetry (3) OPTIONAL
FRE227 French Language 11 (3) OPTIONAL
BDM201 Concept Development & Design (3) CORE
BDM203 Screen Writing (3) CORE
BMS224 Introduction to Film and Video (3) CORE
BDM204 Cinematography (3) OPTIONAL
BDM205 2D Animation (3) OPTIONAL
BDM206 Desktop Publishing (3) OPTIONAL
1 Elective Course (3)
BDM210 Digital Photography (3) CORE
BMS226 Ethics for Media Professionals (3) CORE
BMS229 Basics of Video Production (3) CORE
BDM214 Video & Film Documentary (3) OPTIONAL
BDM215 Visual Effects (3) OPTIONAL
BDM216 Graphics Design (3) OPTIONAL
1 Elective Course (3)
BMS320 Media & Society (3) CORE
BMS321 Media Law (3) CORE
BMS340 Sound Design (3) CORE
BDM304 Music Video Production (3) OPTIONAL
BDM305 3D Computer Animation 1 (3) OPTIONAL
BDM306 Design For Interactive Media 1 (3) OPTIONAL
1 Elective Course (3)
BMS328 Communication Research Methods (3) CORE
BMS341 Media Practice 1 (6) CORE
BMS337 Cinema Language in World Film (3) OPTIONAL
BMS335 Motion Graphics (3) OPTIONAL
BDM316 Application & Mobile Design (3) OPTIONAL
1 Elective Course (3)
IKM400 Entrepreneurship & Innovation (3) CORE
BMS441 Media Project / Dissertation 1 (3) CORE
BMS442 Media Practice 2 (6) CORE
BDM404 Film Directing & Producing (3) OPTIONAL
BDM405 3D Computer Animation 2 (3) OPTIONAL
BDM406 Design for Interactive Media (3) OPTIONAL
IKM411 Managing Audio Visual Archives (3) CORE
BMS451 Media Project / Dissertation 2 (6) CORE
BMS429 Media Management & Entrepreneurship (3) CORE
1 Elective Course (3)