Admission to the Bachelor of Engineering (Mineral Engineering) Degree shall be as stipulated in the Faculty Special Regulations 21.10.
The normal minimum requirements for admission to level 200 for a degree program shall be satisfactory completion of level 100 of the Bachelor of Science (General) degree of the Faculty of Science or equivalent institution with at least C grades in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Applicants in possession of an appropriate ‘A’ level qualification with at least C grades in Mathematics and at least one of: Physics and Chemistry may be admitted directly to Level 200 of the programme.
Applicants in possession of a relevant Diploma may be admitted directly into Level 200 of the degree programme.
The duration of the programme shall be:
A minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 semesters on a full-time basis.
The curriculum for Level 100 shall be stipulated in the Faculty Special Regulation 21.20.
Level 200 Mineral Engineering shall consist of the following courses:
MAT291 Engineering MathematicsI(Core, 3)
CCB211 Engineering Materials (Core, 3)
CCB212 Statics (Core, 3 Credits)
MIN211 Introduction to Mining Engineering (Core, 3)
EEB211 DC Circuit Principles (Core, 3)
MMB211 Engineering Drawing (Core, 3)
CHE211 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry (Core, 2)
CHE213 Analytical Chemistry Lab (Core, 1)
MAT292 Engineering Mathematics II(Core, 3)
CCB221 Strength of Materials (Core, 2)
MIN221 Introduction to Mine Safety & Health (Core, 3)
EEB221 AC Circuit Principles (Core, 2 Credits)
MMB221 Computer Aided Drafting (Core, 2)
MMB222 Dynamics (Core, 2)
GEC258 Art and Science (2)
MIP 220 Professional Training (Core, 4 Credits 8 weeks)
CCB314 Engineering Geology (Core, 2)
MIN313 Introduction to Mineral Processing (Core, 3)
MIN316 Mining and the Environment (Core, 3)
ECO111 Basic Microeconomics (Core, 3 Credits)
GEC 2xx Approved GEC (2 Credits)
One Approved 3 Credit Elective
Students will be encouraged to select two three credit Electives with priority given to the following:
MGT100 Introduction to Management;
PSY101 Introduction to Pyschology;
ENS211 The Earth Environmental System;
ENS242 Introduction to Spatial Analysis, MAT391 Engineering Mathematics II.
CHE221 Atomic Structure, Bonding and Main Group Chemistry (Core, 2 Credits)
CHE223 Inorganic Chemistry Lab I (Core, 1)
CCB322 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Core, 3 Credits)
ECO112 Basic Macroeconomics (Core, 3)
MIN329 Rock Breakage and Explosives Engineering (Core, 3)
MIN325 Mine Supervision and Management Core,3)
MIP 410 Physical Mineral Processes (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MIP412 Flotation (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
CCB315 Environmental Engineering
MMB314 Measurement and instrumentation
MIP413 Extractive Metallurgy (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MGT202 Small Business Management (Core, 3)
MIP421 Coal Preparation (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MIP422 Processing of Precious Metals (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MIP423 Diamond Processing Technology (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MIP424 Mining Industry Economics (Core, 3)
MIP425 Mine Management (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3)
MIP410 Physical mineral processes
MIP511 Mineral Separation Processes (Core, Pre- requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP512 Plant Process and Flow Sheet Design (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP513 Process Control and Instrumentation for Mineral Engineers (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP514 Project I (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MMB512 Project Management or
MMB513 Manufacturing systems (3)
Totals 15
MIP521 Processing Plant Equipment Selection and Maintenance (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP522 Materials Handling and Transport (Core,Pre- requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP523 Tailings and Wastewater Disposal (Core, Pre-requisite MIN 313, 3 Credits)
MIP524 Project II (Core, 3 Credits)
CBB529 Professional Ethics or
IMB525 Production and operations management
Totals 15
A course may consist entirely of fieldwork, project work, practical work, design, and seminars. In addition to work during the semester, a subject may include prescribed fieldwork or assignments during the vacation periods.
Continuous assessment in courses shall be based on tests and/or design, assignments, and where applicable laboratory reports and field reports.
The ratio of continuous assessment to formal examination shall be 2:3
Overall performance in a course shall be as specified in the General Regulation 00.84.