
Meet Evanah Serumola - the Visionary Behind "I AM SMART" Board Game

SerumolaAs the world grapples with the need for innovative and engaging approaches to education, one individual has emerged to be part of this driving force for change. Meet Evanah Serumola, the passionate founder of the groundbreaking "I AM SMART" board game, who is not only poised to revolutionize science education but do it in a unique and captivating way.

As a native from Semolale village in the Central District, Serumola's journey begins here at the University of Botswana, where she dedicated herself to the pursuit of knowledge in science education. Set to graduate this October with a Bachelor's Degree in Science Education, specializing in Chemistry, Serumola's academic prowess underpins her ambitious endeavours with a solid foundation. As a Future Africa Leaders Foundation Ambassador, Serumola’s passion extends far beyond the realm of business.

Her dedication and commitment towards empowering the youth and building a generation of well-informed individuals are the driving force behind her work. Through her work as an ambassador, Serumola collaborates with the Future Africa Leaders Foundation to create platforms and initiatives that promote education, leadership development, and social impact.

Inspiration Strikes: It was during her time at the University of Botswana that Serumola witnessed the struggles students face when it comes to understanding and engaging with science concepts. Determined to make a difference, she drew inspiration from her own experiences as a student, vowing to create a learning tool that would not only captivate young minds but also foster a deep appreciation for the wonders of science.

The Birth of "I AM SMART": With a clear vision in mind, Serumola channeled her knowledge, passion and creativity into developing the "I AM SMART" board game. Her game combines interactive gameplay with scientific knowledge, offering a fun and immersive learning experience for players of all ages. By blending entertainment and education, Serumola aims to dissolve the barriers that often hinder students' understanding and enjoyment of science.

Empowering the Future: Serumola's primary goal with "I AM SMART" is to inspire a generation of science enthusiasts. By making science accessible, engaging and enjoyable, she aims to empower young minds to explore the wonders of the natural world and develop a lifelong love for scientific inquiry. Her game encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, nurturing the skills essential for success in both scientific and everyday endeavors.

Target Market: "I AM SMART" caters for a diverse audience, encompassing students, families, educators, and science enthusiasts alike. Its adaptability and interactive nature make it suitable for both classroom settings and home environments, fostering a collaborative and engaging learning experience for everyone involved.

Future Aspirations: Serumola's vision extends far beyond the initial release of "I AM SMART." She envisions her board game as a catalyst for change in education worldwide. With the game's success, she aims to expand her reach, collaborating with educational institutions, organizations, and policymakers to integrate innovative approaches to science learning. Serumola aspires to create a positive impact on science education, unlocking the potential of countless young minds and shaping a future generation of scientists and innovators.

Market Response: Since its introduction, "I AM SMART" has garnered widespread acclaim and enthusiastic response from the market. Teachers praise its ability to engage students and make complex scientific concepts accessible. Parents appreciate its educational value and its ability to promote family bonding. The game has garnered positive reviews from both students and science enthusiasts, with many expressing their excitement and eagerness to continue exploring the wonders of science through "I AM SMART."

GameAs Serumola prepares to unleash her transformative board game upon the world, she stands as a testament to the power of innovation and dedication in reshaping education. With "I AM SMART," she is on a mission to ignite a spark of curiosity, inspire young minds, and nurture a deep appreciation for the wonders of science in generations to come.

The "I AM SMART" board game is designed to be easily accessible to individuals who are eager to embark on a scientific adventure. To ensure widespread availability, the game can be accessed through various platforms and contact points.

With multiple avenues for engagement and contact, the "I AM SMART" board game strives to ensure accessibility and convenience for all individuals interested in exploring the wonders of science through an interactive and engaging experience.

In pursuit of academic excellence