
Mastercard Foundation Funds Pan African Indigenous Evaluation Consortium Project with P10 Million

BageleThe Pan African Indigenous Evaluation (PIE) Consortium which includes the University of Botswana (UB) has received P10 million funding from Mastercard Foundation to undertake a year-long research project aimed at developing and refining evaluation methods rooted in African traditions. The objective of the project is to create tools, frameworks and protocols specifically tailored for the advancement and support for African communities.

During a recent stakeholder engagement event, Principal Investigator, Professor Bagele Chilisa, said the project was derived from the realisation that current evaluation methods often overlooked the true impact on the livelihoods of African indigenous communities.

Professor Chilisa acknowledged that while existing frameworks were valuable, their concern as researchers and scholars was on how such instruments were contextualised to effectively respond to the needs and priorities of indigenous communities.

She noted that the funding from the Mastercard Foundation would enable them to conduct extensive research and develop innovative tools, methods and frameworks. The new approaches will be informed by the culture, philosophies and history of African people, ensuring they are more relevant and effective in addressing the unique needs and priorities of indigenous communities.

“We gained political independence, but the issue now is independence of the mind, an independent mind that can create our own, such that it becomes a global package that informs evaluation of projects and truth on what happens in the field and communities,” observed Professor Chillisa.

Bagele2Meanwhile, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise, Professor Doreen Ramogola-Masire, expressed support for the project, noting its aim to address power asymmetries and to amplify the voices of marginalised communities across Africa. Professor Masire indicated that by collaborating and innovating with the Mastercard Foundation and other stakeholders, the project would create a lasting impact on the field of evaluation and ultimately improve the lives of people across Africa.

“The consortium is truly committed to driving competitive change that will ensure that the evaluation is reflective of the diverse realities and experiences of people across Africa,” reiterated Professor Masire.

The Pan African Indigenous Evaluation Consortium members include the University of Botswana, Africa Nazarene University, University of Ghana, Data Innovators, Tiyimele Consultants and the Africa Evaluation Association.

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