SEMINAR: Safer Roads by Design

The International Road Federation in Collaboration with the Botswana Transportation technology Transfer (T2) Unit, University of Botswana, is holding a seminar on “Safer Roads by Design


The program is one of the most comprehensive road safety training programs available in the world. Top international experts from a variety of countries will present best practices and state of the art technologies in Roadside Safety, Work Zone Safety, Vulnerable User Safety, Traffic Management and Road Safety Audits over a 5-day period. The purpose of this seminar is to help Road Authorities, Consultants, Legislators and all practitioners responsible for road safety understand what can be done to help them meet their Decade of Action commitment to reduce fatalities 50% by 2020.

Course Outcomes

  • Gain a clear understanding of methods to identify dangerous roadside hazards and understand how to choose the correct option to correct the situation
  • Understand the issues facing pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist, public transport and non-motorized vehicle safety
  • Obtain an understanding of Work Zones & how they can be made safer for the motorist, worker, and pedestrians
  • Learn how to create a road safety audit team and how to conduct a road safety audit
  • Discuss how to collect data to assess the performance of roads, and how technology can be utilized to enhance operations and safety of roads


  • Local Participants – US$750 p/p
  • International Participants – US$ 850 p/p
  • Corporate Package – US$700 p/p (5 or more participants)
  • Students - US$350 p/p


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DAY 1                   Monday February 18, 2019

8:30 AM               Registration

9:00 AM               Introduction and Welcome

9:15 AM               Fundamentals of Road Safety 

11:30 AM            Networking Break

11:45 AM            Breakaway Devices   

                              Longitudinal Barriers 

1:30 PM               Lunch

2:30 PM               Crash Cushions 

3:45 PM               Summary and Review

4:00 PM               Adjournment 


DAY 2                    Tuesday, February 19, 2019

8:30 AM               Terminals and Transitions

                              Summary and Review of Roadside/Median Safety

9:45 AM               Fundamentals of Work Zone Safety

11:00 AM            Networking Break

11:15 AM            Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMAs) 

12:30 PM            Lunch

1:30 PM               Signage and Delineation in Work Zones

2:15 PM               Overview of the Five Elements of a Work Zone 

3:15 PM               Summary and Roundtable

4:00 PM               Adjournment 


DAY 3                     Wednesday, February 20, 2019

9:00 AM               Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Safety Improvements Defining a Vulnerable User                  
                        Introduction to Infrastructure Safety Management

11:30 AM            Networking Break

11:45 AM            Segment Issues & Countermeasures for Pedestrians

1:30 PM               Lunch

2:30 PM               Segment Issues & Countermeasures for Vulnerable Users-    Bicyclists, Motorcyclists, Public Transit Users, Others 

4:00 PM               Summary and Roundtable 


DAY 4                    Thursday, February 21, 2019

9:00 AM               What Can Be Done About Police Corruption

10:30 AM            Networking Break

10:45 AM            Introduction to Road Safety Audit 

12:00 PM             Status of Road Safety Audit in Botswana

1:00 PM               Lunch

2:00 PM               Conducting a Road Safety Audit 

3:00 PM               Virtual Road Safety Audit 

4:00 PM               Adjournment 


DAY 5                     Friday, February 22, 2019

8:30 AM               Presenting a Road Safety Audit Summary Report

                              IRF Global Credentials Qualifying Knowledge Practice Exam 

11:00 AM            Networking Break

11:30 AM            Effective Leadership Roundtable Summary Discussion

12:30 PM             Certificate Presentation and Final Closing Ceremony 

1:00 PM               Adjournment



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